about auburn lily

Ever since I was a child, my mind has been open to the possibility of psychic awareness. I grew up in a family that believed, beyond a shred of doubt, that my great-grandmother was psychic. This belief, so unquestioned and so deeply held, served as a gateway into the mystical.

Though, it wasn’t until I moved to Asheville, NC in 2009 that I really began my spiritual awakening. Something about these mountains, the crystals within and beneath them, the magick on the air itself, brought me into a state of awareness I had never fathomed before.

I began my work with crystals, meditation, lucid dreaming and astral projection in 2010, and as I often say, that started me down the best slippery slope of all time, leading me to an extraordinary experience while astral projecting, where I was told I was a Starseed. This was a term I was unfamiliar with, and in 2011, the Starseed culture was not nearly as popularized as it is today. After doing some research, and weeding through the mess, I found myself feeling more at home in that identity than I ever had before.

This moment was an incredible catalyst for me. I was gaining momentum in my exploration of wisdom, and beginning to recognize myself as claircognizant and as a powerful energy worker. Though, I was still quite young, and primarily a solitary practitioner.

It wasn’t until 2017 that I began to be fully received by the community, be fully seen in my power, and publicly claim my identity as a magickal being.

In 2018, I began offering readings with the Animal Spirit Oracle, and in 2020, the shutdown led to unprecedented breakthrough. I offered my first online course: Earth Healer – a Reiki certification journey. I began supporting a renown astrologer, Virginia Rosenberg, as a visionary virtual assistant. I stepped into my power in a way that still surprises me to this day.

The rest, as they say, is history.

There are many ways to work with me, and you can explore those options here. Or simply shoot me an email, and we can find an offering that suits your needs. I cannot wait to be in connection with you.


  • Reiki Master & Teacher, Lisa Powers

  • Professional Spirituality Coach, Karen Wells

  • Certified Crystal Master, Wargachuck Academy

  • Herbal Alchemist, Level III, Juliet Diaz (author of “Witchery” & “The Altar Within”)

  • Sky Scholar: Intuitive Astrology Training, assistant teacher for renown astrologer Virginia Rosenberg